We have been successfully defending people in Massachusetts against OUI, or "drunk driving", charges, for almost 30 years. We give you the very best defense in the courtroom and the best support outside of the courthouse. Preserve your license, your career, and your freedom.

Calm seas after the storm of a criminal charge.

“Drunk Driving.” “DWI.” “OUI.” “DUI.”

Whatever you call it, it sounds awful.  It feels awful.  It’s embarrassing.  And it’s traumatic.
You were pulled over, humiliated on the side of the road, and arrested.
You wonder who saw you. You worry about who will find out, how the arrest will affect your work, what your family and friends will think.
If it will cost you your job.
If you will get suspended or kicked out of school.

In Massachusetts the courts call it “Operating Under the Influence.”  Most of the people charged with Operating Under the Influence in Massachusetts have never been arrested before, never even set foot in a police station or courtroom before. And most never will again.

The whole experience is foreign and can be frightening. Even the language used by the police, lawyers, judges and others you have to interact with is strange.
“Operating Under the Influence.” “Arraignment.” “Probable Cause.” “Discovery.” “Motion to Suppress.” “Reasonable Suspicion.” “CWOF.” “Admission to Sufficient Facts.” “Colloquy.” “BAT.” “FST.” “HGN.”
It is easy for some who defend these cases to forget how absolutely NOT ROUTINE the experience is for you. And how scared, angry, and frustrated you can feel.

We don't forget. We understand. We'll preserve your license, your career, and your freedom. And we will support you all the way through.

Here is the most important thing for you to remember about your OUI case, and the most important advice to start out with:

Important thing:  You are a unique individual who is different from every other person in the world.  Your priorities, needs, fears, wishes, and responsibilities are uniquely yours. Your case is different from every other OUI case.  No other case has had the combination of facts, people, circumstances, and impact that yours has. It doesn’t matter what happened in someone else’s case, or what someone else told you about their case.

Important advice:  Get a lawyer who knows what they are doing, has lots of experience, and who will listen to your story and get to know who you are. Don’t try to figure this out yourself.

If it is your first time being charged with OUI, like most folks, here are a few things you should know right off the bat:

You most likely aren’t going to jail, if you hire a competent lawyer, unless you are already on probation for something else, have a prior criminal record, or there was an accident and someone else was seriously hurt or killed.

Very few people will know or find out about this. Its not big news for the rest of the world.

Yes, your driver’s license is in jeopardy, and already may be suspended for a period of time if you refused or failed a breath test. But if getting your license back is the most important thing to you, it is possible to get it back very quickly, much sooner than the end of the suspension you may have right now.

The case against you is probably not nearly as hopeless, or as good, as you think. Even a failed breath test is not the end of the world. But things you said to the police may come back to haunt you. Because of the stress, frustration and fear you were experiencing at the side of the road and when you were arrested, you are probably the least qualified person to assess your case.

The police report is not evidence. A jury doesn’t see it. What is written in the police report may not sound to you like it has much to do with what really happened. That isn’t unusual, to be honest. But the police officer will have to testify live, in person, at a trial. He can’t just read his report. He will get cross-examined by your lawyer. There may be other sources of information that will show inaccuracies in the officer’s report, and his memory. Don’t read the report and give up. Lawyers look at police reports very differently than you do.

There can be a lot of unexpected consequences of an OUI charge, depending upon how it is resolved. If you are found not guilty at trial or the case is dismissed by a judge, of course, you have nothing to worry about. But if you are found guilty, or if you plead guilty, or if the case is Continued Without A Finding, there may be what we call “collateral consequences” of the disposition. Simply, the OUI case can affect other, unexpected, areas of your life, from your right to own firearms, to your ability to participate in children’s school events, even your ability to travel outside the United States. And some of these consequences can be forever. There are lots of potential consequences that may or may not apply to you. You need to know before you make any decisions about how to proceed with your case.

OUI cases are not simple. And they aren’t inexpensive. Even if you just want to resolve it as soon as possible and accept the consequences, you need to be represented by someone who knows what he or she is doing. (See the last paragraph above. ) If you want to assert your right to a trial and fight the charge, you will want a lawyer who has experience and training in OUI cases. A lawyer who can answer all your questions, and who can advise you about the things you don’t even know to ask about. Someone will always be willing to take your case for less money. Always. But you wouldn’t choose your doctor that way. Don’t choose your lawyer that way, either. The reality is, you get what you pay for.You can go here to learn about the potential penalties for OUI charges in Massachusetts.So, if you’ve been charged with OUI in Massachusetts, here’s what you should do:
Don’t jump to conclusions about how good or bad your case is.
Educate yourself.

Get help, right away.  Hire a top Massachusetts OUI defense lawyer today.

Contact us now for a free consultation about your case.

“I would absolutely recommend Ernie to anyone.”


He was more than just my lawyer. He was my guardian angel during a very scary and desperate time in my life. He walked with me every step of the way and looked out for my best interest at every twist and turn. He stayed available seven days a week and within moments of my reaching out to him. I will be indebted to him forever. I knew I was in safe hands even though my matter kept me in constant fear. He gave me the courage to keep pushing forward and spent countless hours cheerleading me through an unspeakable experience.

"Attorney Stone was excellent."

He was extremely knowledgeable and knew his way around the Diversion Program and the Court. He gave us all the information and potential results upfront. He explained the entire process to us from start to finish and he mapped out a plan of action that resulted in a favorable outcome for my child. I would recommend Attorney Stone 100 percent. Thanks to him my child has no criminal record.


"I knew Ernie was the real deal."

I knew the moment I spoke to Ernie on the phone he was the real deal. He made us feel at ease during a very stressful time and fought for us. We won our case because of his perseverance and professionalism. He’s just a really good person who’s in your corner fighting for you. Thanks Ernie you’re the best!!!!


"I can't say enough about Ernie and his team. "

They helped our family navigate a very delicate and complicated legal situation. We couldn't be more pleased with the outcome. And Ernie's down-to-earth demeanor helped us feel like we were being listened to and never being talked down to. I would highly recommend Ernie, as I am certain he would do his absolute best to achieve a best-case-scenario outcome for every single one of his clients.

R. H.

"Much love and appreciation to this group"

I would recommend them to anyone. From the first call I knew this was the right choice. Ernie kept my best interests in mind when representing me with results better than expected! I can’t thank them enough. Special shout-out to Joanne who is truly the nicest person. Their whole vibe was homely like family. Much love and appreciation to this group... even the 4 legged nugget running around their office.

A. R.

"I was in good hands..."

Before working with Ernie I was very unaware of how my future would be and felt alone in my case; that all changed once I had Ernie Stone as my lawyer. Very professional, very reassuring, very caring and helpful with any questions you may have. I can definitely say that there was always a smile on their faces and made me feel welcomed and well taken care of. I had no doubt in mind that I was in good hands and that I was going to be alright.

R. J.

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